Friday, March 09, 2007

Prayers n positive thoughts...

Do prayers really work? If something happens what makes it happen?? Is there something called destiny??? If we write our own destiny why do somethings that we yearn for happen while others don't, however hard we may try?????

I have perpetually been seeking answers to these questions...n true to my Libran nature, I find myself oscillating betwen contradicting viewpoints...

One of our "Electromagnetic and Field Theory" professors had once told us something very interesting...that according to the "Electromagnetic theory of the Universe", everything on earth is either positive or negative energy...and "God" is powerful because God is the conglomeration of all positive energy on earth...a "Temple" gives you immense peace of mind and makes you feel confident and happy because a Temple is a place where all prayers accumulate and prayers are nothing but positive thoughts, or in other words positive energy. In other words, a high level of positive thoughts, positive energy and prayers could very well cause the objective (say, (doing well in an exam, getting something done) of that energy or that prayer to be achieved...

Another perspective is that everything on earth is predetermined and how much ever you want something to happen or not happen, what has to happen, WILL happen (to quote Murphy)...basically Destiny...

Yet, there are many a time when one feels all you require to achieve something or to get something is very strong will power and don't need to pray for it, just execute what your heart desires and it will be yours!...your life is how YOU write it...

While I continue seeking some light, I can only "hope and pray" some of you could bring in more clarity with your views...


Jeyamurugan DG said...

so wat exacttly happened.... this is so not you!!!!

Shantanu said...

Both destiny and prayers play a very important role in our lives. We pray when we feel things are not going the way it should go and try to change the things around. Prayers are very powerful and by praying we can change whats destined. But it alters a lot of things in life.
I believe by praying we can delay something or change things for sometime. But at the end things will rollout in such a way that what’s destined will happen. N yeap we will delay things.

Temple gives us positive energy 'cas the place is filled with positive energy and its all 'cas of the positive thoughts and people around. When we put our head in our mother’s lap that gives us immense peace and all the tension vanishes, because moms are full of positive energy.

I agree that in order to get something we require a very strong will power, confidence and need to work on it to achieve it. So one shouldn’t pray for opportunity; instead should be prepared when it comes his/her way. That is let destiny take care of things. You keep doing your work.

Sudarshan said...

Interesting post..Is this post influenced in any way by Illusions..somehow i feel that book makes u think abt these things..and i believe to some extent there are answers in that book.. in essence what i mean to say is ultimately u are the master of ur destiny..but if u choose to let anything or anybody else detemine the destiny then it or they will.. its all in ur faith and belief... and by belief i mean what u choose to believe...I am not too sure abt this positive energy in temples..there u may be that because i dont believe in it i may never realize it..but then thats a choice i have taken...

Kavi said...

hey dj, well, say hi to kavi's philosophical side!!! ;)

yep shaanu, I think the same, life is an obscure combination of all of the above!!!

n sid, knew u wuld say that...well I thought of the fact that Illusions does attempt to answer these questions as well! n it does it quite interestingly...:)

Unknown said...

hey kavi

I would just leave you with these quotes again which i am getting facinated with

life: "A life is a single letter in the alphabet. It can be meaningless. Or it can be part of a great meaning."

destiny: Nature conspires you to your destiny
but the above is on the basic premise that you have recongnised your destiny - refer the book Alchemist

and finally God helps those who help themselves.


i think my previous the one "praying from the cockpit" was similar to this post. The quote, my last post from the movie "Sign" is again a standpoint of some people. There is no one answer to a lot of these life consuming questions, everyone of us have picked up one of these theories which suits us. The best thing is to live this present moment and forget the tragic past and mysterious future everything will fall in place

long time since i touched a comments section in the blog and i did`nt mean it to be this long

Jaya said...

Well Kavi, When u started with EM sir, all I cud think of was how he called 'tou' "dow" and I laughed yet again. However to answer your query - we have no guarantee that there is "God" up there who "answers your prayers". But what it DOES help us do is to channelize positive energy, generate hope and make you believe that there is a HIGHER power that is in charge of the scheme of things that will somehow set everything right. And finally if you are someone who prays and believe whatever happens is for the best, you have got the right mantra. That way you justify that while you thouhgt something happening would be a good consequence to something else, if it didnt happen, you could always see the brighter side of things and soothe your psyche. Make sense? Think about it.

Sara said...

Hmmm Philosophy ????

Well in my view, we decide our destiny; fate is just the result of the past actions we consciously took.

About the temple stuff.I dont know what kind of postive energy would be there in a place where everybody comes out with a prayer to save oneslt(to be blantant, requesting somebody to satisfy their selfish needs).May be there is was a type when most of the people prayed for everybody else.

As far I hear it somewhere the idol gives positives vibes.

'Tis a beautiful life! said...

there was something recently in my life for which i prayed very hard and for very long...i had my heart set on it so much that i asked God for nothing else.
but the prayers didnt work...

for a couple of days i wondered if i should continue to have such strong faith in God

but i realised that if this is what God wants for me, perhaps its what is best for me...and i should accept it no matter how bad i may feel

so from that point every morning and night when i pray, i dont ask for anything...just thank him for all he has given me...and ask him to keep his watch on me as he always has

'Tis a beautiful life! said...

there was something recently in my life for which i prayed very hard and for very long...i had my heart set on it so much that i asked God for nothing else.
but the prayers didnt work...

for a couple of days i wondered if i should continue to have such strong faith in God

but i realised that if this is what God wants for me, perhaps its what is best for me...and i should accept it no matter how bad i may feel

so from that point every morning and night when i pray, i dont ask for anything...just thank him for all he has given me...and ask him to keep his watch on me as he always has

'Tis a beautiful life! said...

so that makes me there a point in praying for a particular thing...because if it whats right, then God will do it anyway won't he?

as for the question of whether we write our own destiny or whether it is written for us...thats the one question that always haunts me because i'm not even sure what i believe!

Kavi said...

hey jc, thanks for the quotes :)

meghs, I can relate to the way one feels very very let down when what he/she prays for simply doesnot materialize...but somehow at the end of the day, like u said, have learnt to believe that everything happens for ones own good...there is a reason y something happens...only time will answer it though...all we CAN do is be optimistic n wait for whatever good God has in store for us...

Vikas ( Vicky) said...

Life, destiny, prayer, luck...
other side.....will power, hard work, sincerity...

Its always toppling from one to other..
wahtever be the scene i believe in both, put yor best efforts and pray for the positive results.
one more intresting way, we should pray that we can work hard...

Anyhow, nice post: food for the thought...